
Docker build arguments

The farmOS Docker images allow certain variables to be overridden at image build time using the --build-arg parameter of docker build.

Available arguments and their default values are described below:

  • FARMOS_REPO - The farmOS Git repository URL.
    • Default:
  • FARMOS_VERSION - The farmOS Git branch/tag/commit to check out.
    • Default: 3.x
  • PROJECT_REPO - The farmOS Composer project Git repository URL.
    • Default:
  • PROJECT_VERSION - The farmOS Composer project Git branch/tag/commit to check out.
    • Default: 3.x

Development image

The 3.x-dev image also provides the following build arguments:

  • WWW_DATA_ID - The ID to use for the www-data user and group inside the image. Setting this to the ID of the developer's user on the host machine allows Composer to create files owned by www-data inside the container, while keeping those files editable by the developer outside of the container. If your user ID is not 1000, build the image with: --build-arg WWW_DATA_ID=$(id -u)
    • Default: 1000

To build the development image, it is necessary to add the --target dev flag to the docker build command.

For example:

docker build --build-arg WWW_DATA_ID=$(id -u) -t farmos/farmos:3.x-dev --target dev docker